吉隆坡, 27 June 2023 – 马来西亚国家石油公司 in collaboration with ASEAN energy operators, 政府机构, 以及国际组织, launched the ASEAN 能源 Sector Methane Leadership Program (MLP) and announced methane abatement flagship projects in collaboration with Japan Organization for Metals and 能源 Security (JOGMEC). The event took place at the Methane High-Level session on 26 June during the 能源 Asia 2023 conference, 6月26日至28日, 2023, 在吉隆坡会议中心.
自然资源部长, 环境与气候变化, 尼克·纳兹米尼克·艾哈迈德, 强调了东盟集体发声的重要性, 声明, “I am particularly heartened to learn of the private sector's collaborative efforts through the Methane Leadership Program. 如上所述, human capital will be crucial in helping Malaysia achieve its NDCs and the Global Methane Pledge, 哪些与《正规博彩十大网站》的目标一致.”
The ASEAN 能源 Sector Methane Roundtable was established in October 2021, with the objective to promote collaboration on methane emissions management in the oil and gas sector. 通过六个月的圆桌会议系列, we recognised the importance of upskilling the key practitioners in the sector to address information asymmetry and the need of capability building on cost-effective solutions on methane emissions abatement.
This periodic engagement is now reaching a new milestone with the launch of the ASEAN 能源 Sector Methane Leadership Program (MLP). 这个为期18个月的新计划, 通过大师班和工作坊交付, will focus on capacity and capability building to strengthen ASEAN energy companies’ plans, 目标, 以及减少甲烷排放的融资选择. The effort is in support of Global Methane Pledge that 150 countries have signed up to. The MLP provides a platform for the ASEAN oil and gas industry to demonstrate practical action and signal commitment to reducing methane emissions; create awareness for a sustainable change; inspire others to act and encourage greater accountability from all stakeholders.
丹斯里东姑穆罕默德陶菲克, 马来西亚国家石油公司总裁兼集团首席执行官, 把这一事件标记为一个重要的里程碑, 声明, “这是一个重要的里程碑, demonstrating our collective leadership and commitment to actions in managing methane emissions more effectively across the ASEAN region.”
布拉德瑰柏翠, 美国能源部助理部长, acknowledged the regional commitment to actions on methane emission reduction goals, 评论, "This initiative demonstrates the region's dedication to the Global Methane Pledge and how multilateral support, 利用全球最佳实践, can provide expertise and 融资 to help reduce global methane emissions by at least 30% by 2030".
The MLP partners constitute several stakeholders with common goals; ASEAN Centre of 能源 (ACE), 东盟石油理事会, 环保基金(EDF), Japan Organization for Metals and 能源 Security (JOGMEC), 甲烷指导原则(MGP), 印尼国家石油公司, 马来西亚国家石油公司, PTTEP, 世界银行, United Nations Environment Programme International Methane Emissions Observatory (UNEP IMEO), United States Agency for International 发展 (USAID), United States Department of 能源 and United States Trade and 发展 Agency (USTDA).
马来西亚国家石油公司 and JOGMEC also announced collaboration on methane abatement flagship projects, 涵盖甲烷量化调查, 实现零燃除的可行解决方案, and potential future collaboration on an electrification hub. These projects are in support of the increased demand on stable supply of low carbon energy, Malaysia's commitment to the Global Methane Pledge and are aligned with 马来西亚国家石油公司’ commitments to the World Bank’s Zero Routine Flaring initiative by 2030 and UNEP Oil & 天然气甲烷伙伴关系(OGMP 2).0). The Chairman and CEO of JOGMEC, Ichiro Takahara, quoted, “作为一个能源需求大国, we believe that methane emissions management is important in terms of stable supply of clean energy”.
Methane emissions management is a key agenda at the 能源 Asia 2023 conference, which includes the fourth ASEAN 能源 Sector Methane Roundtable held on 27 June. 除了, the MLP will commence immediately with a Technical Workshop on ASEAN Deep Dive on Methane Emissions Management, 由马来西亚国家石油公司联合主办, 6月27日至28日, 与亚洲能源合作.
The Methane Programme at 能源 Asia represents a significant advancement towards stronger international collaboration for methane abatement, and it is designed to empower ASEAN companies to reduce methane emissions through regional project collaboration, 融资, and knowledge sharing on conducive policies and regulations, 同时鼓励分享最佳实践.
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